Skelpy blockchain Platform Based on DPS technology (Delegate Proof of Stake)

Hello Cripto Love ... I want to explain about the latest and innovative platforms made by.
The Skelpy. Since the emergence of blockchain technology in 2008, the compilation of Satoshi Nakamoto introducing bitcoin, has agreed to strong support for implementing blockchain in various global business processes, Blockchain technology has provided resources to facilitate more industries with low costs. transactions, eternity, and enhanced security. In the following years, many other blockchain implementations have been developed with each unique feature tailored to specific use cases.
The blockchain has been issued for the issuance of part of the assets through the published ledger. With cryptocurrency tokens, these assets can provide economic value to start and validate some transactional processes. Several on-chain protocols have been developed by startups and companies provided to create blockchain-based solutions.
Through the technology improvements found, SKELPY that supports addressing problems and e-commerce platforms supports support using blockchain and cryptocurrency to improve the daily lives of every individual.
Skelpy is a project designed to make the blockchain fully decentralized and clear, where each wallet has a supported digital identity. Transactions will be visible to everyone, but individuals will be certified and determined based on the visibility criteria requested previously.
Will be given to users to issue transactions on the blockchain with an approved wallet (individual or legal entity) or with an unapproved wallet. Then the source code associated with the blockchain will be fully released along with the tools, while all the code related to the SkelpySystem platform will still be backed up.
Skelpy blockchain Platform Based on DPS (Delegate Proof of Stake) technology where there are 51 templates that have the task of maintaining active and working networks. And the DPoS technology used by Skelpy will take the ARK project ( as a starting point but this is not the conversion or sidechain of the project needed. However, the Skelpy blockchain platform starts from a solid and tested base that will be updated to be functional to the Skelpy System.
The aim of the Skelpy platform is to create a completely decentralized and clear blockchain project, where each wallet has a certified digital identity and as a new solution for all overall control on a decentralized network and a transparency control system and to make all situations and conditions identified, so that Implementation Skelpy with high technology will make all the Skelpy platform formations very good, and with blockchain technology make all interactions and transactions better, faster and safer.
What is DPoS?
DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake) is the last method to guarantee digital digital tokens with transaction approval and ensure distributed management (transaction validation) without the need for a central authority.
This system is an evolution that began with Proof of Stake, which provided the involvement of the entire network rather than representatives of 51 delegates, which was developed for the purpose of reducing the costs and inefficiencies associated with the Proof of Work System of electricity consumption, such as Bitcoin.
Delegated Proof of Stake is defined as a strong, efficient and highly reliable consensus algorithm on the Blockchain web, usually described as technological democracy.

The Skelpy project intends to offer certification services for wallets in the property circle, which allows the use of non-nominative wallets on the blockchain.
Because certified wallets are safer than non-certified wallets because the wallet can remove additional functions and services. and also certified wallets prove that a particular subject recognized by the system is the owner of the wallet; this allows transparency and security in transactions between two subjects.
And you need to know The wallet certification process is a procedure that cannot be changed, because one wallet can be associated with a unique natural or legal subject. In addition, certified users can have another wallet that is certified or non-nominative (not certified).
Skelpy Desktop Wallet
Skelpy Web Wallet
Skelpy Client 1.0
The maximum coin offer will be 70,000,000, with the amount of money placed on the market 2,000,000. Will be forged beforehand, 33,000,000 coins where 20,000,000 coins will be used as voter portfolios for 20 related partners, then 20,000,000 SKP will be frozen and will not be circulated in any way, their only goal is to select 20 delegates from the network Skelpy.
The Skelpy project is to create a completely decentralized and transparent blockchain where all portfolios have a certified digital identity.
Proses bersertifikat Skelpy:
1. A wants to validate his wallet Skeply
2. A sends the document to Skelpysystem
3. Skelpysystem checks the document and approves it
4. Skelpysystem associates the wallet with the documents provided by A
5. A is now a Sklepy verified member


For more information, please visit the link below.
Author; Damar Wulan
Profile bitcointalk ;;u=1918265
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