Monvid best service Streaming content is cheap for the next generation.
What exactly is MONVID? MONVID is a streaming platform of paid video content. This is a free ad and video streaming proxy system. MONVID is based on the Ethereum blockchain technology. MONVID allows its users to watch the desired video from anywhere on Earth without the need for banking access and without any restrictions. The platform works with cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum and Bitcoin. They also have their own MVID token. Monvid team functions by the best numerical service for the next generation. Streaming content is cheap and universal, and the view of a frugal TV without one or the other - or restrictions - is only given the slogans that are specified in the slogan, and in that case, what the plan is trying to do. So, let's together make a great prospect! A completely basic scalable video streaming platform designed for video owners and their customers. The origins of the scattered proxy platform for video streaming purposes, which reduces costs and protects ...