MINERVA ist ein intelligentes Contracting-System aus der Ethereum Blockchain.

We pay transaction fees for business, we do not charge any fees. We addressed the problem of cryptocurrency adoption by introducing incentive-paying trade disruptive solutions to accelerate the adoption of cryptocurrency and smart contracting. Minerva is the world's first merchant processor.
New cryptocurrency is introduced almost daily and their values can grow exponentially from the beginning. At the same time, many are abandoned after the novelty and market their "honeymoon period", after which it quickly falls from meaningful use. Despite these new cryptocurrency market features, it is clear that some statistical properties of the cryptocurrency market have stabilized over the years. The number of active cryptocurrencies, the distribution of market share, and the rotation of cryptocurrency remains predictable.
Adopting a mathematical perspective, we see a neutral model of the economy of cryptocurrency. This allows one to gather insights based on clear empirical observations, despite the advantages and disadvantages of one cryptocurrency over another. We have used this research to uncover the unique properties and factors important to understand how cryptocurrency provides value to end users and long-term token holders.
- What if Ripple gives a unique advantage to the company at industry outside of banking and other financial institutions?
- What if Bitcoin is not controlled almost exclusively by speculation?
- What if the Ethereum mining return goes to that company accept it as payment and be accrued by the platform
Minerva is currently the ERC20 token and smart contracting system built on the Ethereum blockchain. Following this standard, Minerva tokens can be transferred easily between users and platforms using the ERC20 compatible wallet, and can be seamlessly integrated into the exchange.
Certain OWL tokens will be held and issued for the business to serve as a "signing bonus" subject to the slow-time-release and distributed algorithm on a first-come basis, first served at 5% of the bonus vault to the point where the vault is almost exhausted and 5% signing bonuses are not fiscally important.

This is an additional bonus of Minerva OWL tokens issued to partner businesses through Transaction Evidence at a variable rate designed to reduce inflation and combat substantial price changes. With this model, OWL tokens can be redeemed for services on Minerva-approved platforms and then resold on the market by the partener business, thereby creating additional monetary value. OWL tokens can not be generated by any other method.

Minerva's fundamental revenue-generating aspect enables approved and integrated businesses to increase their revenues immediately after implementation, and provide more flexibility in donated platforms to reward customers with discounts.

Minerva uses two advanced methods to increase and decrease the OWL token inventory. The first method generates the new Minerva OWL token and puts it into the economy when the partner platform receives the token as a payment method. The current value of the current OWL token entering the economy is called the "gift level." The reward rate is directly proportional to the OWL price: when the price rises, the reward rate rises. The rate of return will go up to increase the amount of inventory sufficient to prevent a great short-term price shock. When the gift level is greater than zero (0), a small portion of the prize is sent to a contract in which they can be exchanged for Token Minerva Volatility Protocol tokens and token voting. The inflationary inherent reward rate used to reward the platform is difficult to be limited to 10%.
The second method sterilizes Minerva OWL tokens when the price decreases. Instead of a negative reward rate, we enact a system that incents users to temporarily retrieve their OWL tokens from the economy. Users will exchange OWL tokens for MVP tokens that represent a number of OWL tokens that may (or may not) appreciate over a period of time. In each example a decrease in the price of the MVP token will be sold, but the drastic fall in prices at the time of purchase, the higher the potential value of this token appreciation. This MVP Token will be redeemable at a later date for the original paid OWL token in addition to a certain percentage. If there is a prolonged decline in which the MVP vault funds are depleted, the OWL tokens must naturally regain price stability.

Voting is based on the Schelling point method inspired by the Vuteric SchellingCoin Buterin, but modified to be more resistant to manipulation (described further below), to determine the estimated Minerva / USD conversion rate. In addition to the normal OWL token transfers, users will be able to use functions that enable token transfers and vote-taking in a single transaction. Since this "piggybacking," voting will have a minimal gas cost (transaction fee). In return for voting, voters will be granted a certain number of sound tokens related to their Minerva stock held for voting.
Minerva uses four main methods to deter voter manipulation:
- Deposit required to vote; deposit in accordance with the participant's vote influence on Minerva's "contract price" and the deposit decides the prize received for voting. This deposit will be lost if the voting is found to be invalid.
- “Votechain "is used in this process. The votechain allows further assessment of the validity of the past voice as new sounds are input. When a participant makes a vote on the current price, they are also asked to enter the price of the last moments chosen. This sound is then compared to the previous votes and the unauthorized votes will lose their savings. "Unauthorized sound" is defined as not falling between the 25th and 75th percentiles with sufficient sample size.
- If the number of votes is sufficient, all votes cast will be appreciated, while at the same time only a certain percent is permitted to influence Minerva's contract price.
- Open-source exchange polling and voting automation with real-time log output as a failsafe mechanism. This protection is only enabled when presented with evidence of a sophisticated attack that occurs on the Minerva Volatility Protocol.
In addition to the above-mentioned voter manipulation checks, Minerva uses the following method for
avoid price manipulation of MVP token (Minerva Volatility Protocol):
- The time at which the new contract price starts to apply randomly so as to avoid a level of predictability that will allow the manipulator to know the optimal time to buy an MVP token.
- Small fees apply when distributing an MVP token or the required waiting time is set to prevent market activity resembling speculative trading.
- An "MVP Door" applies where prices have to go down for a certain period of time before the ability to purchase an MVP token is available.
The first business to integrate into the Minerva economy is a direct streaming service with revenues of $ 20 million and over 10 million users. We will show the impact of earnings before and after integration with Minerva. At this time, Minerva has been advised to temporarily hold the name of our first business partner. We aim to integrate a wide variety of major niches and key businesses covering multiple industries by recruiting platforms into the Minerva Smart Money Alliance (MSMA).
Minerva will allow creators to accept payments and exchange funds indiscriminately while allowing businesses to deliver more value to customers and creators alike.

Initial user participation takes place through the crowdsale dashboard which can be accessed through Minerva.com. 75,000,000 out of 100,000,000 Minerva OWL's initial token total will be distributed in two crowdsales. Pre-sales are followed by the main Minerva crowdsale, and each is accessible by parties outside the United States.
Crowdsales will be held in an auction format in which all distributed Minerva will be rewarded with the amount of contributions received, and then distributed accordingly. 25,000,000 Minerva will be excluded from the crowdsales described below in the "Minerva Reserves" section. After 100,000,000 initial OWL tokens are created, the creation of a new token, in addition to bonuses associated with the platform utility, will be terminated permanently. Within 1 year (365 days) of crowdsale, announcements will be made regarding each potential 1: 1 token exchange associated with the proposed private blockchain migration.
After the pre-sale token, the primary and last crowdsale will take place
At the end of the crowdsales, the founding team will receive a 10% OWL tokens allocation, which is subject to a twelve month (12 month) holding period. This token will serve as a long-term performance incentive for the founding team. An additional 10% will be allocated for long-term operating costs, 2.5% will be allocated to partnerships and another 2.5% for bug bounty programs. All Minerva OWL token transfers will be limited for two (2) months after the crowdsale ends.
- Basic Platform Development
- Internal Market Simulation
- Integration / Compliance Testing
- Content Translation
- Register Exchange
- Legal advisor
- Initial Security Audit


For more information please visit the link below:
Website: https://minerva.com/
Whitepaper: https://minerva.com/whitepaper.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MinervaToken/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/minervatoken
Telegram: https://t.me/minervachat
Bitcointalk ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2072362.0
Whitepaper: https://minerva.com/whitepaper.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MinervaToken/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/minervatoken
Telegram: https://t.me/minervachat
Bitcointalk ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2072362.0
Author: Damar Wulan
My profile bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1918265
ETH address : 0x553a05A7E022e0c873E0c7cE704FdD57FBfaab9F
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