
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2019

ZIPCOIN Blockchain bied gedesentraliseerde peer-to-peer handel.

Wat is ZipCoin? ZIPCOIN is 'n Blockchain-gebaseerde projek wat sal funksioneer as 'n platform wat sterker en end-to-end oorplasings en betalingstelsels ontwikkel. Dit is 'n innoverende en herwinbare platform wat probleme in die oorbetalingsektor sal oplos met die waarborg dat blockchain meer as $ 100 miljard in waarde bereik. Kliënt-tot-besigheid (P2P) en slim kontrakte stelsels sal voorsien word van hierdie trust omgewing. In tradisionele betalingsstelsels is daar 'n behoefte aan buitelanders om transaksies op tradisionele betaalplatforms goed te keur. Met behulp van blockchain-tegnologie sal ZIPCOIN tyd en geld elimineer deur hierdie buitelanders wat bekend staan as agente of derde partye te elimineer. ZipCoin is op 'n gedesentraliseerde wyse ontwerp om die lewering en betalingstelsel wat op baie maniere beïnvloed is, te verbeter. Dit beoog om 'n maklike, veilige, vinnige en eenvoudige platform vir alle gebruikers te bou terwyl 'n gemeenskap van v...

ARTCOIN is a blockchain technology-powered platform unique in the art market.

Hello readers, it's always fun for me to present news from the blockchain world and introduce innovation. Hundreds of new projects appear every day on the Blockchain world. I want to share with you projects with serious potential that can solve real life real problems by following projects for you. I wish you pleasant reading. ArtCoin is a business platform that enables entrepreneurs in the art sector to promote and sell their artwork on world markets. Using Blockchain technology, ArtCoin offers new solutions and methods for the art market because it offers transparent sales while providing peer-to-peer services for artists, sellers, collectors and consumers. ArtCoin allows investors to take advantage of the increased security and transparency of their Smart Contract platform. ArtCoin helps a healthy future for humanity, because it brings together consumers and artists in every aspect of lifestyle, sharing the same and extraordinary hobbies, making artists, attractive, hon...

Darb Academy Finance is ideal for crypto beginner investors

DARB Finance is a global multilingual platform that combines the goodness of blockchain technology while preserving the simplicity of conventional monetary and trading platforms. This platform is designed for speed, security and scalability, which successfully handles thousands and thousands of transactions per second. The DARB platform is certainly one of the answers that might provide solutions and security in storing cryptocurrency properties with multi-cryptographic, multi-lingual, multi-language features The Exchange architecture is mature and ready to use and covered with demo accounts that you will find first. The low cost of creating the Darb platform is a must for you to deal with your virtual property very well and easily. DARB Finance is also unique with various features to allow users to issue their own personal tokens based on the ERC20 standard. This will transfer ownership of tokens through smart contracts to ethereum addresses provided by users to guarantee the...